Freitag, 07 Mai 2021 14:12

Pandemic in India - a human and political desaster Empfehlung

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BBC from Northern Ireland BBC from Northern Ireland BBC

A Russian super airplane bringing medical drugs and devices to India hit by the third Corona wave. The BBC reports from Northern Ireland:  

More aid is coming from Germany and other Western countries. The daily infections rate mounted to about 400.000. Oxygen for treatment and human resources are lacking. One of the hotspots is the state of Maharashtra with the megacity of Mumbai (Bombay) in the West. How is the famous charity ADAPT (formerly Spastic Society of India) providing physical and psychological treatment for handicapped children (mostly from its shanty-town Dharavi)? I am in contact with its staff:

"Hope you and the other people of ADAPT are safe. Please let me know how you are protecting the handicapped children in Dharavi. How is vaccination going on in Mumbai?

Best wishes from Ekkehard"

Answer from Varsha, deputy of Dr Mithu Alur, the charity's founder, on 07/05/2021: 

Hi. We are all safe, thank you. Dr. Alur had started tele therapy and online teaching immediately so we are in touch with the children and young adults. Some have returned to their villages of course.... They've started vaccinating you above 18 now... Most of us have taken the first dose of the vaccine. Waiting for enough vaccines to be available for the second shot. Hope you and Helen are well... And have taken both the shots. Regards".





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